Sunday, November 23, 2008

i met a dog..

and he didn't have a name. he walked with three legs and had a cute little face. we crossed paths on the first day, with a pat on the head and an friendly wag of tail.

our second meeting was pretty much the same, but then instead of parting ways, he followed me and farhan on our way to the hadimba temple, a 15 minutes walk from where we stayed. along the way i bought him a pack of butter cookies, and in that instant we became firm buddies.

for half a day, this little dog followed everywhere we went. up hills and down slopes we went, this friendly dog went. he waited patiently outside the restaurant while we took a break. he barked at a stranger holding a shovel, thinking he may attack us. he distracted barking dogs while we walked on with ease. he also lazed with us in the late morning sun, atop a rock that faced the vallys, river and mountains.

i will never forget you little dog. you made my last day at manali so memorable and fun.


Anonymous said...

i love the dog!!


Soxy said...

awww. cutie. =)

Glenn said...

haha yes very cute! he honestly followed us i'm still very amazed. so loyal! haha