Monday, September 22, 2008

Day of Mayhem

the day was exactly like the title. mayhem.

imagine 3 dogs in one car, plus 4 passengers, 1 driver. but most importantly, faulty air-con.


javier was damn excited, boxer was in a huge cage and baby was, no, not shivering. she was practically 'vibrating'. that day was as tiring as days can get.

and the biggest (in all sense of the word!) irritant of the day has to be..


he ran everywhere, didn't come when called, and jumped on a kid and made him cry! i can imagine what shonia will say. "oh my god, so horrible!"

but i love him to bits.


Anonymous said...

oh my god..
it's super horrible can!

*shake head*

Glenn said...

haha eh he's just super friendly

Anonymous said...

who's baby?
