Tuesday, August 21, 2007

brown rice

today my grandmother asked me, "which comes first? the chicken or the egg?" and i told her, "there's no answer."

boxer had his first doggy bowl of brown rice today!! haha. we bought a pack for him, 2.5kg for 4 bucks. and for the first time ever, he took, by his standards, a very long time to finish it! he actually ate, walked away twice, and then go back to eating.. i was amazed. for a dog that eats anything, brown rice must taste damn bad for him to not really like it. i think i'll buy some mutton for him the next time.. add a bit more flavour haha. he's spoilt.

and he had his usual walk and we saw this guy who has 3 jack russells! omg. they looked like 3 boxers! all pulling so hard at the leash and whining. so scary! haha imagine yihao's place 3x the mess everyday lol. can faint and get high blood pressure.. but boxer's so cute! i think he's the cutest jack russell i've seen! heh.

and we saw this lady with her jack russell. we can actually see her kitchen from yihao's place.. so when she first bought him, boxer was already a little bigger. so we used to look over and he's so cute!! but now he bigger not nice looking already. lose to boxer hahaha! and we saw her downstairs today then she damn zhuai. pretend never see us.. she got no dog owner etiquette leh.

rule number one: always smile at the other dog owner when your dogs meet.

like that also dunno. tsk tsk.

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