Friday, July 27, 2007

Some poeple are just rude rude rude!

I'm quite pleased with myself. Why, you may ask. Well, despite my unwllingness, i dragged myself out of bed, just 2 hours into of my afternoon nap, to bring my maid for x-ray at jurong east. My mum had decided to keep her for another 2 years, which I think a wise choice.

Anyway, I was armed with my Harry Potter book 5 ready for the long wait. In the end, all it took was a very short 5 minutes and totalled to an amazingly small amont of $12.50. As Joey would say, "Could it be any cheaper?" I think not! But then again, maybe it's cheaper cos it's a referal.

I treated my maid to a pineapple (heh), and got me one as well. Lucky for us, the bus was just about to leave when we reached the bus terminal, so we managed to hop on. This malay lady was pulling a luggage and she sort of blocked my path, but she said sorry and smiled. You know, people like this make your day. You feel better about yourself, you feel better about the world.

But with the good, there's always the bad and ugly. And there was this guy who flagged for the bus very late and the uncle tried his best to stop for him, to the point that it was a little dangerous. Showing no appreciation at all, the guy strolled to the bus and calmly tapped his card without so much as acknowledgement that the uncle did something nice, lest to say a thank you.

I know it seems like a small matter but don't you think we'd expect more than this? A simple act of goodwill returned with feigned ignorance or plain rudeness really deserves a good and hard smack on the head.

Urban life is good, but it's always nice to go back to basics. I really do miss Cambodia.. and Ah Ling is there now. Bah!

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